All is Energy! Are you enthusiastic?

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If you are not controlling your states of being then who or what else is doing that? If you’re not as happy as you like — then why not be happier? Wouldn’t it be nice to be happier?

You may be thinking — how sweet it would be to be even more happier and enthusiastic about little things all day long?

Be Enthusiastic about flowere

Happiness might be flowers

Being enthusiastic about things in your life is a great place to start. Here’s a reprint of a  recent article by a dear friend Krysta who is from Monroe, WA.

“The most fortunate people on earth are those who live most of their lives in a state of energizing enthusiasm.” -Earl Nightingale
What about you? What are you enthusiastic about? It seems that most of the everyday details of our lives are pretty mundane. Not many hours of our days are spent in activities that engender enthusiasm. Who can get enthusiastic about washing dishes? Or commuting to work? Or changing the oil in one’s car? Boring, right?
Maybe. Maybe not. Doesn’t it all depend on attitude? Is it the activity that makes us enthusiastic or do we imbue the activity with our enthusiasm? I’ve experimented with this and here’s what I learned.
I can be enthusiastic about anything. Enthusiasm can be called forth at will. This is life-changing. Imagine being able to be enthusiastic about taking out the trash. Or being enthusiastic about brushing the dog. If you could do this, how would your life change?
In a huge way, that’s how. By bringing this uplifting, highly energetic, positive spirit to everything we do, life becomes alive in an entirely new way. We don’t have to wait for something to come along about which we naturally feel enthusiastic. We can feel enthusiastic about whatever we’re doing at the moment. Then we will experience the truth of Nightingale’s statement above.
We will be energized and fortunate. Give this a try this week and see what happens!

Krysta Gibson
New Spirit Journal

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How to clean your mental house to feel better now!

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Pretty posters                                                                   Taylore and the huge sunflower
How to clean your mental house to feel better! Two steps
So your body is getting more fit, your diet has improved, but there’s still that piece of your mind that remains cluttered.
1)  Most people have bad mental hygiene and don’t know it. It is like some people have bad luck and they don’t know they caused it at some level. The run-away-mind creates many problems in life because it causes a person to experience those bad pictures.  The mind is thinking; the mind is creating. What you visualize you will experience. Does your mind make negative pictures or thoughts? Are these wanted or unwanted? Are you thinking correctly for where you want to go? These pictures/thoughts can be changed and only you have the power to do it. You are not your body, not your mind and you are not your thoughts. You are the one behind the scenes who controls your body, mind and thoughts.
When I have a negative thought or picture in my mind, I say, “Thank you for sharing! But that is not who I am. I’m not going there!” I then ASK this question, “How much better does it get? What else is possible?” (Important note — do not try to answer this question yourself!)
2)  You may be proud of your great intellect and your overpowering intelligence. You can easily win in arguments, discussions and debates. If you are a “know it all” then there is no room for your spirit to help you. Giving all your power to the intellect will stop spiritual progress.  The high Ego is pretty much the same thing. People will avoid you and want to spend their time with others who are more easy going people. Toning down the Ego and being a less of know-it-all will increase your friendships and allow your real nature to come out. What if there was a Grand Cosmic Being inside you? Give It room to grow and expand!
It would be great to get your head on straight. It’s easy to improve your mental health, and you’ve already taken the first step by looking into this article. Remember, it all starts from within, and you really are the controller.
     Your subconscious mind is the storehouse of memory, the seat of habit and instinct; it is also the center of emotion and its action is automatic. The subconscious is that marvelous phase of your mind that brings things into existence by the sheer power of thought. It is the spiritual part of us and through it we are connected with the Divine and brought into relation with Infinite constructive forces of the universe.
     The subconscious mind not only possesses the power and knowledge to build and repair your body; it is part of the Universal Mind and has Infinite resources at its command.      page 18, Ch 4, The Key To Yourself and Golden Keys to a Lifetime of Living by Venice J. Bloodworth ©2012

Ask for the real you to step out.  Go within and consistently Ask for Help …and you will get it!

 Next time we’ll discuss how holding on to grudges and past life influences rob you of peace and harmony.
Energy Healing Classes also help you by connecting you to the Infinite within you. Your connection is increased by about 20% with each level of Reiki that you take.

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Testimonials about Laser Reiki and Energy Healing Modalities

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Keep Your Energy High by Connecting to Source via the Space around You!


What Am I feeling?  – I am feeling more and more enlightened. I am feeling like I can use these energy clearing techniques more efficiently after this third monthly weekend class of Laser Reiki.  – I feel more comfortable with sending my long distance healings to friends and family who have requested help with health issues. I can see this getting better and better for me! Pam

I feel a lot better – –I have  a lot less pain in my knees and in my hips. (I was scheduled for two knee joints replacements, but I changed my mind after praying.) I enjoy every class and I enjoyed being here at the Reiki Ranch for the weekend classes. I have learned a lot and I plan on learning more each class.  Thank you for being you. DD

My energy level is up. I am sleeping much better. Overal,l my mood (my internal happiness) has improved. I am healing my kids and my mom with these LR techniques. There is no anxiety in my home anymore. My manifestations are quicker. Thank you – – love and light. Dria S

My right elbow is doing much better after the energy healings. My lungs which were highly congested and deteriorating are doing much better. As you know, I am a Naturopathic Medicine doctor and my patients are also doing much better. Thank you Dr. T

These last three months of the Laser Reiki workshops have proven to be both beneficial to my well-being and expanding my knowledge of ancient and modern means to help with healing modalities from Source. I’m always open to learnings and teachings of the universe. Cheri DS

PS: These above testimonials a from 3rd month of a 6 months series of workshops.

What is this Energy Healing all about?

Is there really an energy medicine?

Classroom setting at the Reiki Ranch

A good connection to
Source Energy is worth its weight in gold!  Your connection to Source and clearing the energy blocks makes your life happier, healthier and pain-free!  You put one building block after the next, recovering your natural health and well being! You, too, can learn the science of miracles – and become well again!
You might ask, “How can it help me?” Can I be healed, too?”

You have the Secret of  Life!  What if you were born with a nice package of professional body healing software in your mind (computer) that would make your life a lot easier, but nobody ever thought to mention this secret tool to you?

We, humans, are full of brainwashing (and toxic drugs, toxic foods) to take our power away! Our minds ae Full of toxic beliefs and dogmas. You can hire someone to: Detox your body, mind, and soul by removing the dark blockages… You will Feel Lighter (Be able to hold even more Love, Light and Happiness directly from God!) This process heals your body of any dis-ease! Also you can be even more powerful when you learn these simple techniques and do it yourself!

healing-hands-for-reikiYour connection to the God within is increased with energy healing, where you can clear blockages and more easily have the transformation into a more Powerful Healthy Being.  This connection also beings your dreams, desires, goals, and wishes into the physical reality. You become happier, luckier and everything for your highest good starts to manifest.

cosmic-energetic-healingTestimonial: I went to the Reiki Ranch yesterday for a Laser Reiki healing on Physical abuse from childhood. It feels like I stepped into a new life which was part of the healing. I am thankful for the source and  Taylore for this wonderful gift. I am also thankful for Vipassana Meditation and Buddha for helping me realize the sensations where this energy was stuck. Laser Reiki had all the tools to instantly un-stick me! May all beings be happy. Mike S. on facebook: FaceBook Group “Friends of the Reiki Ranch”

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Hi Taylore and Roi, 

I would like to share my experiences with Laser Reiki that I learned about 10 years ago. At first, I was not really using it very much other than for myself and close friends who let me try it on them. It has given me an additional degree of freedom to deal with challenges of life, being of spiritual as well as bodily nature. Nowadays, I use it on a daily basis blessing friends and family as well as dealing with issues that show up in life. Asking questions to our angels and listening for answers, though you have to pay attention. Overall it has enhanced my connection to the universal spirit and strengthened my belief that I am responsible for overcoming my fears, which in the end eliminating all fears will liberate me.

Thank you and have a great rest of a day.

Gerhard  — October 1, 2016


Testimonial of Instant Pain Release:

I went to last month’s Reiki workshop and I can wholeheartedly say that Reiki has completely changed my life!

I have had chronic back pain for going on ten years now, after more than my fair share of car accidents. After Taylore worked on me with her Laser Reiki techniques, my back pain went away completely and immediately.

That weekend was my first pain-free weekend in years! After I went home, the pain would keep creeping back but would go away as soon as I Reiki’d myself. My back even went out on me after I worked too hard, something that happens regularly, and with the help of Reiki, I healed in only 3 days when it would normally take at least a few weeks or more! Since then, I rarely feel pain. If I do, I lay my hands on myself and it goes away. I feel so good! And the best part is that I can help others in my life with this gift! I Reiki my friends and family all the time, whether they are standing next to me or live on another continent. Everyone is amazed at the energy they feel and at how quickly their pain dissipates! Besides all of the healing, I gained tremendous insights that weekend that I’ve been able to apply to my life.

The synchronicity in my life have skyrocketed, and the speed at which I manifest what I need is damn near instantaneous these days.
I cannot recommend the Reiki Ranch enough.
Taylore and Roi are amazing teachers!  by Monica R


Randy called us to report that since he attended a 2-day Reiki Master Weekend training class with us that he is now seeing auras and other people’s energy fields.

Wow, that is great news!



I’ve had the pleasure of taking the beginner to advanced Laser Reiki classes from Taylore & Roi, at the Reiki Ranch. I found Laser Reiki to be one of the best forms of energy therapy I’ve ever studied and/or personal practice. The classed are well presented, with the perfect balance of lecture, hands-on practice, and group discussion. Before in between, and after class, there is also the opportunity to participate in the shared meals/potluck, and enjoy the beauty and serenity of the Reiki Ranch, which adds to the ”learning” experience.
Pam Taylor, L.M.P., L.M.T., Massage Instructor (retired); Reiki Master, Laser Reiki Master, author, and editor.


This Laser Reiki Student has a better flow of Source energy:

So for me, the relative “ease” of laser Reiki and the lack of expectation that you had to perceive energy before you can heal helped me have the confidence to use it regularly on myself and others. Belief is everything and ironically it helped bring in more perception of energy for me. by Lesley Busch D. October 1, 2016



“Dear Taylore and Roi of the Reiki Ranch…

“The changes that have occurred since our weekend at Reiki Ranch have been stunning. In our hearts it feels like the battle is over and the victory is won. All the striving for a deeper heart felt real connection with God is over because it is here.

It is difficult at best to describe the transformation in our lives or the how’s and why’s. There is a hesitancy to do so knowing that for each one of us the experience itself is unique and precious. What I do know is that we were ready to receive this glorious presence of God in our lives and hearts. We were ready to be truly intimate with our Creator and willing to do His will. Perhaps even the idea that “we were ready” is too arrogant, as all things fall into His perfect timing.

Looking back I can see all the tinniest details of circumstances that shaped me, guided me and created the blueprint for who I have become and all the “why me’s?” have been answered. I have been Awakened is the only way to describe this transformation and the PEACE and Joy we are living with is so vast and all encompassing that I feel like I would have to explode in order to say THANK YOU loud enough.

“WE truly have been born again, brand new and living in all the gifts of the Spirit above and beyond all my hopes and dreams. Glory To GOD in The Highest. Thank You Jesus. Let it Ring in the Heavens.
Thank You!!!!”  Jean P.

The Energy Healing modality called Reiki requires activation of your software already present in your brain/mind space. This activation process gives you a much closer connection to your higher self (God or whatever you call it)– which is pure joy, bliss and happiness.

Laser Reiki also requires activation of software with symbols and this takes your life to a much higher dimension of beingness.

They say, “Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure helps in the journey in looking for it!” People buy things because they think the latest conquest, newest car, new electronic toy, date with an attractive man/woman, etc., will bring happiness. And it will — but only for a short time. Then the quest for outer happiness starts all over again…  (And money will not hinder you on your path for the spiritual quest!)

Really, most of us are looking for that inner happiness – our connection with Source is pure joy! It has never really changed from the beginning of time when we came here to 3rd dimension to play this game.

  1. What if there were no separation between you and your creator?
  2. What if you are still totally connected to the Kingdom within?
  3. What if you were totally connected to Source Energy and you have really never left it?
  4. What if all the limitation you feel is just an illusion?
  5. Would this knowingness make a huge difference to how you feel?

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More Testimonial about Pain Release and having even more Happiness in my life:

“Low energy equals pain and depression; high energy equals happiness and abundance. It is a simple process to learn in order to release the energy blockages and restore the high energy level where the person’s own body can heal itself. High energy brings happiness. Thanks Reiki Ranch! I’m much happier these days than ever before! Thank you! Lyn T”

“Roi and I are the founders of Laser Reiki — an advanced energy healing modality – using Zero-point, quantum science energy.” explains Taylore Vance, “We know that Dr. Usui could not release all that he discovered about Reiki during his 20 years of constant research. He and Enki both have helped us bring forth the Instant Pain Release aspects of Reiki. We were shown how to find and remove the root cause of pain, disease, illness and reestablish the correct flow of Source energy in an individual. When the energy is cleared and a higher level of energy is applied the body itself is able to heal.” Tayloe Vance of the Reiki Ranch.

Here’s what Ronald Walker, a journalist has to say about us in an article entitled: Healing Without Devices

“Even though there have been thousands of reports of “so-called” miracle healings down thorough the ages, modern medicine considers it a fluke, a fake or that it wasn’t really a healing but a misdiagnosis in the first place.

Taylore and Roi have been doing some amazing energy healings since 1985. They discovered many new ways to use the process by 1990, and in 1994, they formally started teaching others to use and flow this natural zero-point energy. Their method is called Laser Reiki because the energy flows out their fingertips like a laser beam. (

“It used to be thought certain people were special or gifted with the ability to transfer the healing energy. This couple has a long track record of proving everyone is hard-wired to use this source of energy to heal. The ability can be awakened in anyone just by introducing some energetic symbols (activation of software) into the subconscious mind. The human mind is uniquely designed to use the zero-point energy any way it chooses — whether it’s a healer flowing it directly out of the hands, someone inventing a gas device to change the world, and/ or an entrepreneur doing a thriving business because he knows how things works.

“Their workshops will cover a little background on their discovery of this simple but profound energy healing method. They will show you how anyone can do it and cover a few of the simple techniques that you can learn to do yourself without any other training. After all — according to quantum physics — this life is a holographic game. You might as well learn the rules and enjoy the trip. (You’re already making the pictures in your mind that creates your reality.) Why not make it a reality that you really like?

“Taylore and Roi realize talk is cheap, so if you have long standing pain of any kind (physical, mental, or emotional) make a little time for them at the beginning of the Laser Reiki class as they are able to find the root cause of any pain and can tell in advance what percentage of the pain can be removed from any person. Releasing energy blockages is a simple process and can be learned in a weekend class. It only takes a few minutes to make a noticeable difference by removing and transmuting the negative energy causing the pain, stress, sickness and even emotional issues. Schedule of the traditional Reiki Classes.  (

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Dear Taylore and Roi,

“I wanted to Thank you both for the Laser Reiki clearings I have had. I felt wonderful, relieved, free and more energy. I have also had surgery in the past few weeks and I also gained more movement and less pain after the clearings. I am so excited as to what the future holds for me with this energy I have now and the insight I am gaining. Thank you both again and again! Angela M.  (dated August 8, 2013)

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One of the testimonials in their files is from Dave, a retired city employee:

One might call this a miracle healing, but it only follows the natural laws of the universe. Dave came to one of Taylore and Roi’s Introductory talks they gave in Tacoma, WA, where the talk was followed by a healing demonstration of their instant pain release method. They asked for a show of hands of those in the audience that was in pain. More than half raised their hands. They chose an older man and as he got up and walked to the front of the room, it was clearly evident that his head was leaning over to one side of his body by 20 degrees. He had a frozen neck for two years, he’d been operated on twice with no improvement (they wanted another try, he said, No!) Dave had a medical retirement from the city, and he was in constant pain. Taylore and Roi wondered if they could do any good for him in the next few minutes. They checked with his subconscious mind through muscle testing – asking the questions, “Can we do any good for Dave’s body in the next 5 minutes? Will it make a noticeable change in the position of the head? What percent of the pain can be transmuted?” The answers were: yes, yes and about 60% change.
They started a Laser Reiki energy healing process to release the emotional root cause of the neck pain and condition and the head became more erect on the body, the pain reduced about 60% and Dave was optimistic for the first time in two years. It only took a few minutes to affect these changes. He had a complete recovery after attending one of their weekend Laser Reiki workshops and is still pain-free and standing erect today 9 years after the treatments.

So if you really want to make any kind of life change give Taylore and Roi a try!

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“Dear Taylore and Roi,

“Thank you so much for offering the energy clearing calls where you are using Laser Reiki.  It is just what I have needed for a long time.

“Last Tuesday before the first call on Wed. I was very down emotionally.  At one point I told God that if this was all that life had for me, It was never going to be better,  I would never get to realize my dreams, Just stuck, day in and day out.  That never mind, no thank you, just take me out.  I no longer wanted to live.

“Taylore and Roi did many energy clearings on the call.  Many of them applied to me.  Taylore brought up energy blockages that I had not thought of before.  Right after the call was over, I felt better.  Over the course of the next few days, I felt better each day.  Now, every day looks brighter and more hopeful. I am freer in spirit and happier.

“With Deep Appreciation.                                               by  Anonymous   July 30, 2013

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Dear Taylore and Roi,   date: Feb 1, 2014

It’s really wonderful to hear from you again, my old friends. I’m so happy you’re having a great life with gratitude.  Thanks for keeping me on your friend’s list. It helps me to remember the great course work in Laser Reiki we did. Always useful.   w/love,  Ali    at


The Finest thing we can do for ourselves and for the rest of the world is to Receive Divine Love and Share Our Source…

Why do you need a Laser Reiki attunement or activation?

  • It is like upgrading a computer – the computer runs better and faster! Well, so does your body, mind, and flow of energy run better with a Laser Reiki attunement — you are operating at a higher level. Plus the several days of training helps you become happier about everything in your whole life!
  • It makes your life easier, more fun, healthier and even more prosperous.

It is like a “jack-of-all-trades master software program being put into the computer’s hardware (the mind). Without the software programming, the computer is unable to process input or information. The computer can’t act on its own without some kind of programming. The human mind starts out as blank pages and then we learn to work hard to get an education, work hard to get money, struggle to have a life, etc. What if you could reprogram your life in just a few days or months?

Parents share their hard-luck stories with their children. Right or wrong that’s our programming and it most often leaves us feeling “not good enough.” and not liking ourselves. (This early programming may be the cause of some of the financial problems in our lives and pain in our bodies.) A mother might tell her son, “We’re not that kind of people to go into that store and shop with the rich.”  “Don’t talk to strangers.” etc. At an early age, it’s all a psychological blueprint that defines our future life at a low level of existence. It can be upgraded, bad programming erased, released, and reprogrammed.

Who are we? What’s the Reiki done for us? Why should you listen to us?

Laser Reiki connects us to source energy and therefore our dreams manifest a lot faster. The clearing process we teach can be felt as the blockages are released. The body and mind become lighter, happier, and it is easier to become enlightened. Happiness flows without effort. Health and youthfulness are easier to maintain.You see the difference in yourself and others. Students talk about how better they feel. Pain and stress go away.

$$ – On the financial side In 1990 when we arrived in Washington State, we were living in the woods in a small rented spot of land in an old RV, and because of the increased consciousness (Reiki) —  now we are living at the Reiki Ranch — a $$ million dollar, 22 acre tree farm — where we established our healing school complete with an old time school bell. The Laser Reiki has cleared us to receive financial Blessings from God.

Hmmm? Would you like to learn this process so you can fully use your secret software that achieves your dreams? We teach you how to correctly use the Law of Attraction!

Come and spend a few days with us while we help you to clear the pathway to …your ideal life! Be free of stress

Check out the – Laser Reiki Level 1-4, an awesome fun-filled workshop at the Reiki Ranch. Now it is a 6-month course coming to the Reiki Ranch where you only spend one weekend a month.  Check out the details at the Reiki Ranch energy healing retreat! Here’s a description of the Laser Reiki workshop at the

  • Instructions are given in PowerPoint handouts with a workbook where you fill in the answers
  • Energy clearing demonstrations are provided at each step and you practice on yourselves and others in the classroom.
  • Examples are followed by a practice exercise where each student received multi – multi healings each day.
  • Results of the energy clearing are measured by David Hawkins scale. I is very high on the chart of higher consciousness.

This is a constantly growing method so we’ve made it possible for returning students to retake the updated seminar for a discounted fee! New information is coming in for every class. And each class is different because of the people and issues involved.

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 This is your chance to join us… It starts with simple steps that are easy to follow. It is free to join the newsletter.  We’re making a difference in the world.

We’re doing this…  Taylore



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Are You Broken? Have You Felt Broken?

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We all are on a journey called life. Sometime things break down: your car, your dishwasher, toilet, and other things around you. Sometimes people break down: a death in the family, a breakup, a divorce, a betrayal, a fight with a friend, a sickness, an accident, etc. I’ve been broken  — by the death of both of my parent in 3 month period, by a sickness, by a relationship that went sour, by a divorce, by having my job eliminated with a reduction in force, and other stuff.

Have you also felt broken?  Do things around you break? What do your do? How long does it take for you to bounce back and be stronger than ever? Has life given you a mysterious truth about what’s inside of you that helps you bounce back? Have you noticed when things get so bad that you go within and contact this mysterious power and miraculous things get better or they don’t feel that bad anymore?

Maybe it really is a good thing when things go bad?

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How To Clear Negative Thoughts

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We have found a way to defrag the negative emotions in a person with Laser Reiki — just like a computer expert will defrag the virus in a computer.

Dark thoughts, stuck emotions, past hurts, regrets, anger, blame, sadness, jealousy, frustration, depression, etc. act like a computer virus for the mind.

These blockages can be energetically cleared and the client feels much better and lighter.

Question:  Is this treatment lasting? Will the problem come back?

Answer: Once the blockage is cleared, it is gone! It will never come back. Maybe another dark energy will appear to be cleared, but the original one is gone for good!

Question: Is it really possible to have instant pain release?

Answer:  Yes!  Low energy causes pain. Once the energy blockages are releases, destroyed, reprogrammed, then the energy flow in a person’s body is higher and the pain is no longer there.

Thoughts from Tom Murasso who is on Facebook for the Law of Attraction:

Lighten up.

Have fun with it!

Challenge no one about anything.

If somebody is screaming in your face that you’re wrong, say to them, “You’re probably right”

… If somebody says, the world is coming to an end, say to them “Maybe, but aren’t we having a good time, today?”

… If somebody says, “There is a disease running rampant and it’s going to sweep across the Earth and it’s going to kill all of us”, say, “I don’t believe that is possible – because I know that Well being abounds… I don’t believe that anything that is bad could over take over all this that is good. It is illogical… Well-Being abounds

… Oh, I think there are pockets where people have focused and caused a sort of shadow that is disallowing the Well-Being. I don’t disagree with you there.

I think there are places where Well-Being is not being allowed – but I think it is minuscule in comparison with the Well-Being.”
– Abraham-Hicks –

PS from us at the Reiki Ranch:  Happy, happy, happy — appreciation, gratitude , thank you, joy, fun, play, Love, Praise, and open to receive even more!

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How does Laser Reiki differ from Traditional Reiki?

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     Traditional Reiki is the universal life force energy that flows out the hands of a practitioner.

Dr. Usui rediscovered Reiki after 20 years of researching

Dr. Usui rediscovered Reiki after 20 years of researching

The Japanese Doctor Usui who rediscovered Reiki is credited with its recent beginnings.

  1. It flows out of the hands as an even field of healing energy similar to someone sprinkling the lawn with a spray of water. The energy is applied to the entire body and also on the location of the pain.
  2. Traditional Reiki is the application of energy to mass (Reiki energy is applied to the body — mass.)
  3. There are three degrees to learning traditional Reiki: Reiki I, Reiki II and Reiki III, which is the Reiki Master, level. These are taught here at the school for very reasonable prices. Reiki 1 is $100, Reiki 2 is $200 and Reiki 3 is $299. ***We have training specials at the Reiki Ranch School for Reiki 1,2, and 3 Certification packages for only $344 including 3 manuals available at
  4. Traditional Reiki is considered 4th – 5th-dimensional energy depending on the ability of the person using it.
  5. It may take 3 months or more of traditional Reiki treatments to heal the symptoms of asthma.

How Does Laser Reiki Work?

You have universal consciousness working on your behalf.

     Laser Reiki is the same loving energy as traditional Reiki, but it comes into your body as a higher frequency.
When the practitioners used LR, the healing energy from Source enters the client at a 6th-dimensional level and can be even higher depending on the practitioner’s experience in using it and it requires a precise spot for its application to the client’s energy field.

Do you have pain?  These energy healing methods are excellent for relieving chronic pain.

Laser Reiki is Instant Pain Relief!

These methods will remove ongoing energy blockages causing chronic pain in the physical body –  instantly from a traumatic experience

  • in the present life
  • in a past life,
  • in other lifetimes,
  • dark energy from other dimensions and other realities.

Once the energy blockages are released with the Laser Reiki simple methods, your health frequency will come up to a higher number and instantly the pain goes away permanently.


  1. It flows out the fingertips like a laser beam — hence the name.
  2. Laser Reiki heals the energy body – the 6th level. (Laser Reiki is using energy to energy.) It is the most efficient use of Reiki. With the energy body corrected for energy blockages, the flow of energy and the matrix of a perfect flow of energy are restored. Now, this new matrix will tell the physical body what to do – as above, so below! This is how instant healings can happen!
  3. It is applied to the meridian of the central “nerve” system (not the nervous system— because we don’t want to encourage nervousness in the body.) In other words — it is applied to the vertical mid-line of a person. Laser Reiki is not applied to the area of the pain. It will, many times and instantly, remove the pain from the body. Those who feel energy always feel an uplifting happy feeling.
  4. After an attunement to Laser Reiki, the practitioners will be able to flow at least 6th-dimensional healing energy and higher.
  5. There are 10 levels of Reiki training at the No. 1 Healing School –Reiki Ranch. Basic Laser Reiki — includes levels 1-4 (6 months of training – 1 weekend per month) and all of its practical training is concentrated on Level 4 — Laser Reiki and Level 5 — is Cosmic Energetic Healing – a very advanced healing.
  6. You learn to find the root cause of the dis-ease. It is usually an unresolved emotional issue called an energy blockage. Energy blockages can be found at the mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual, psychic, genetic or other levels including the past, present, future, parallel, and other dimensional lives. It could bleed over from another “you” from your soul group or Your Circle of Being.
  7. The subconscious mind is used in LR and Cosmic Energetic Healing to find the exact location of the energy blockages. It keeps all our aches and pains in the correct location until released. The subconscious mind is very powerful, plus it has a wealth of information about your body – past, present, and future. It operates in all levels of energy and consciousness.
  8. The practitioners of Laser Reiki are always clearing energy blockages in themselves so they can be a clear and pure channel to flow the higher levels of this healing energy.  You clear yourself first so you can be a good channel to flow higher source energy for your client.
  9. It may take 1 to 3 sessions to heal asthma symptoms with Laser Reiki and release the root cause of the underlying emotional problem. In only one session the client will notice a measurable improvement in the illness. Compare that to 30 to 40 treatments using traditional energy healing Reiki or other methods to achieve the same results. MD’s who only treat the symptoms may not ever clear the root cause of any disease.
  10. The Japanese doctor Usui who rediscovered how to pull energy from the cosmos didn’t dare publish all he’d found or he would have been labeled a nut case. We believe from the communication we’ve had with him that he knew a lot more than he released.

How are Traditional Reiki
and Laser Reiki the same?

  • You are not using your own energy. You are using the universal energy — god force energy, Source energy. This Energy Stream seems to know what to do to restore wellness to the body. The more clients you heal the better you feel.
  • Reiki practitioners do not take on any of the ailments, karma, diseases, illnesses, aches, pains or bad feelings from the client.
  • The more detached you are from the outcome, the better the client is healed.
  • You can do remote healings (long distance healings anywhere, both forward and back in time and space.)
  • Reiki is a major healing modality in energy medicine, alternative healing, holistic health, hands of light, pain-free, pain gone, Chinese energetic healing, Chi gong, chi, alternative health, and wellness. (Some of these descriptions may be copyrighted.) Reiki is known worldwide.
  • These Reiki healing energies will do no harm to the client. (There could be a healing crisis or detoxification of the body, but that is natural. This can be mostly avoided in Laser Reiki by asking the body where to put the energy in to transmute the toxins. The toxins released will be changed to useful energies that the body needs for repair and rebuilding.)
  • It helps to be a clear channel to flow Reiki. Before healing others — Heal and clear yourself, clean your aura and align your energy to do only the highest good. Reiki and Laser Reiki heal on various levels of consciousness, such as: emotional, mental, spiritual, genetic and physical. Laser Reiki also heals past, present future, parallel and other dimensional lives using the subconscious mind to find the root cause of the disease or pain. It doesn’t matter where or when the root causes might be found, it is an easy task to complete with these advanced healing techniques.

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Summer question: Can you be in the present moment?

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How was your summer?

Did you have some quality time to yourself?

What kind of  high awareness moment did you experience this summer? Big things are happening on the inner (invisible) realms. Are you seeing or felling it? Are you living in the now? Good things are happening!

Some say “present moment awareness” is so simple. Hummm? But the ego doesn’t like you to be in the present. You can see that the ego is pushing you out of Being in the present moment — to travel to some imaginary point in the future (as if the future will bring more happiness than anything could now) , or the ego is trying to fix things in the past (as if this is more important than being here in the now). Usually the past is full of anger, blame, remorse, regret, guilt, etc.

When you chose to have a few experiences in the Present Moment Reality is the end of the ego and end of illusion (worry, anxiety and fear.) The Ego knows when it is losing power, and will resist you staying present. Did you have a moment in time when you relaxed into Beingness?

How often are you  fully in the present moment?

Present moment awareness brings peace, joy, calm and sanity to your life. It exposes your ego and puts you in touch with your true self. Also you are not broken — there is nothing to fix! You just need to be present and then you will see the beauty within yourself.

Rhodie at the the Reiki Ranch

We had a great summer experimenting with the new live action water structuring water devices making the garden water alive and also we were adding more sheep barn compost to the organic garden. The Natural Action Structured Water Units are amazing.

Adding Compost to the Reiki Ranch garden

Adding Compost to the Reiki Ranch garden

Last year we added about $400 of sand to the garden. We had a dump truck load delivered. It took 2 days with the little Kubota front loader tractor to spread it (about 50 trips.) Thank God for Tom helping us.

We put too much sand in some places and the potatoes did not grow. The sand overall helped the garden because it was too much clay and too compacted. This year the soil was much looser and we could work the soil earlier (late spring time instead of a month later.) We’re in Washington State and the growing season is real short compared to southern states. We need to get the beds ready on time or we’ll miss part of the growing season. Our potatoes were waste high and made large hills of new organic potatoes.

  • You need to have loose soil with the correct amount of clay, sand, compost, organic material, minerals and rich loam
  • You have to start getting the growing beds ready before it is time to plant
  • It is a constant job of adding new compost every year
  • Your soil should be full of earth worms

We are having the best gardening summer ever. I told you two years ago that we were hanging bottles of Royal Liquid Manna  (oxygen charged water  – Tesla technology) in our cistern (the concrete pool of water that collects mountain springs that feed the Reiki Ranch water system.) That was an energetic leap to healthier plants and healthier bodies. And this year we have had an even bigger leap! The Natural Action Structured Water Units have made a large improvement in the gardens as well as in the house –  kitchen and shower.  The water is much softer and full of life force energy. Lots of people have removed their water softener treatment systems and are saving money now.

This year we are watering all plants with the natural Action Tech water structuring deices attached to the end of the watering hoses. The plants are loving all the alive water we are feeding them…   It is very good for people, too!

By drinking the Natural Action Structured Water ourselves and eating the vegetables we grow with all the attention we are giving the garden, I feel that our bodies are improving and getting stronger, too! We work hard on the ranch and have very few if any aches and pain. We might be becoming  even younger? We are doing energy clearings, blessing our food we eat, eating from the land, drinking structured water, relaxing the ego and focusing on Love, Light and expansion.

We have been reading about the Grand Cosmic Beings and Adam Abraham recently recorded a voice reading of The Door of Everything by Ruby Nelson.  Adam Abraham and Della Causey Hale stopped by the Ranch to visit us and stayed a few days this summer.  The recording is  here: Click ->  Could you be a Grand Cosmic Being? What would it take for you to start experiencing IT?

Some Reiki Ranch pictures below…

Flowers at the Reiki Ranch

Flowers at the Reiki Ranch

Looking toward the Reiki Ranch school

Looking toward the Reiki Ranch school

The Blue Jays are having a ball with the sunflowers at the Reiki Ranch

The Blue Jays are having a ball with the sunflowers

some kind of spaghetti squash that Yolanda planted at the Reiki Ranch

some kind of spaghetti squash that Yolanda planted

Reiki Ranch grows potatoes in the organic garden

One hill of potatoes from the garden


Our firewood for the winter

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We Learned How to Manifest! Can we help you?

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What could you could learn  from a couple who manifested the Reiki Ranch from nothing?

We Learned How to Manifest (bring things into you life) using the Law of Attraction along with the Reiki Energy! How about you? What have you brought into being starting with nothing? (Well, we did not really start with nothing — we had the knowledge of the Law of Attraction  — and the power of Reiki!)  Knowledge will set you free!

We’re the people who manifested a $750,000 Reiki Ranch from zero — and we really had nothing to start with but desire:

  • We were living in the woods with no money
  • No credit
  • No job
  • No bank account for the 10 years prior and now we’re here!  (Sure we make payments, but who doesn’t!)

How did we do it? We had knowledge of the Law of Attraction!  We studied it like a college course.

What if your energy is aligned with personal power — like Reiki? Reiki helped us align the energy for success and clear emotional blockages so the Universe could bring forth the ranch.The Universe want to give you things!

When you have energy blockages everything is stuck. All your desires are like airplanes – circling the airport trying to find a place to land in your life! How can you clear these energy blockages so your dreams and desires can come to you?

There is a simple Laser Reiki procedure for quickly removing energy blockages so you can receive your dreams.

We also have a Free course for you! You may not think you can afford the Laser Reiki Courses… How can you not afford to walk in the path of an enlightened being where your dreams and goals come more easily? We have a Free Reiki 1 course


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Expand Your Life With Energy Healing / Energy Medicine

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Reiki Ranch Energy Healing
We’ll help you…
Special on Energy Healing and Expanding Your Life

The reason most people feel so depressed these days is that their energy flow is clogged up and they are partially disconnected from the healing of Source Energy. When you are attuned to Reiki energy it increases your spiritual connection to the Source of All. You tap into pure love, pure compassion and pure joy. It’s a natural “high” without the drugs — and you don’t ever have to come down. High frequency is youth, long life and abundance. Low frequency is the media news, war, complaining, lamenting about past events, sadness, tiredness, sickness and disease.

Perk up your energy at the Laser Reiki 1-4 basic workshop! Four action-packed days on March 7-10 where you receive multiple healings each day. As you learn these simple, yet profound clearing and energy healing methods, you practice on yourself and others. You’ll see immediate improvements from the first day. Every Reiki class is different and unique. Your spiritual guides are shaping the workshops to meet your special needs and the needs of the others in class. It is amazing!Learn more today here.To register for Laser Reiki on March 7-10, email today.

What if there is more to your life than you know? What if everything up to today is just a minuscule part of what is actually available to you? You are one unique individual in the 7 billion of the world’s population. It used to be thought that only special people could do energy medicine. It turns out that all 7 billion of us are special and can flow the healing god energy. It has worked 100% for all those who have a clear determination to help themselves and others.

Low frequency in your body equates to lack, worry, stress and sickness. Higher frequency equals happiness, health, youth and abundance. Suffering is optional!

Imagine if your feelings are mapped out on the ends of a stick.

On one end of the stick is lack of money, missing the joys of an ideal relationship and lost opportunities.

On the other end of the stick is vibrant health, well-being, abundant opportunities, in love with life, companionship, and support, as well as, expanding your chances of experiencing financial rewards.

Which end of the stick do you prefer?

What pushes or pulls you in different directions on the path of life? We are consciousness and energy Beings! We can actually choose our paths.

Does the Universe support you? Or do you feel un-supported at the moment?

The elevator to success is not running; you must climb the stairs.
~ Zig Ziglar

So! What’s stopping you from receiving your share?

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
~ Will Rogers

What if your life could be more fun than you can presently imagine?
What if you could feel good now when you think about any and all aspects of your life?

It’s a FACT… We aren’t taught how to be open to receive nature’s abundance as youngsters or in school. Instead we are taught, “You have to work hard if you want to get ahead. Life is hard. You have to have money to make money. You have to have a Ph.D. to get ahead. Life is not fair. The harder your work, the behinder you get.”We may have been taught that there is a shortage of everything we want, rather than unlimited abundance that is available in every facet of life. The trick is learning how to attract abundance now by clearing the path with energy medicine!Money is a result, wealth is a result, health is a result, illness is a result, your weight is a result. We live in a world of cause and effect.
~ T. Harv Eker
We can show you exactly how — you can easily arrive at a more purpose driven life with a good financial flow, your mind filled with inner peace, a phenomenal relationship, and even more joy.Some say, “Money isn’t important!” We see their point of view, however, it is the grease that makes most of the important things possible. T. Harv Eker answers that with, “If a person doesn’t think that money is important, then they won’t have any!” You will learn the spiritually correct way to attract money — enough money to enjoy the good life you’ve always wanted and complete those important goals.Where are you in your life? Where is your life working or not working?
Look at your life. Is it working 95% to 100% for you … or less than that?
On a scale of 1 to 10 how well is your life working for you?
Are you a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 on the way to success, health and well-being?

If your numbers are lower than 8, 9, or 10 help is nearby — at the Reiki Ranch! In a 4-day intensive workshop you will have cleared these blockages. When you release the dark energies your success will soar to a new level! You can be a 10!

Do you feel that your life has been on a hit or miss course? Or, are you perfectly happy and content? If that is so, then read no more …

Could your life be better? Do you feel stuck?

Would you like to be:

  • Healthier and free of pain?
  • More abundant — have lots of positive choices?
  • Freer, happier, full of laughter, and fun?

Would you like to have:

  • A more purposeful life?
  • More clear goals?
  • A mission?
  • The feeling of being fulfilled? — Inside as well as outside? (Hint: Your outer life reflects what’s going on in your inner life.)

When your outer life is full of ups and downs, what does that tell you?

“That your inner life needs a house cleaning.” … and a Laser Reiki Weekend workshop guarantees you multiple energy clearings. With each level of release work you feel even more free, lighter and expansive. You’ll know how to quickly delete old mind programs that are limiting you!Learn more today here.To register for Laser Reiki on March 7-10, email today.

You cannot heal from the outside in; that defies natural law.

A simple way to heal and end the inner turmoil is to use the instant healing methods in Laser Reiki. The outer life follows suit once the inner mess is cleared. Your authentic self is waiting to say “Hello” and to fill you with joy!

How would you like to awaken each morning … feeling expansive in your heart chakra?

When you feel that extra space in your chest you know it’s full of Source Energy. You’ll feel unlimited. You’ll be eager to start the day with anticipation of success and the need to explore even more gifts that are out there waiting for you.

All of this is possible.

It starts in a weekend Laser Reiki 1-4 class following a few simple inner-clearing techniques that have been used by thousands of others since 1994.

If you don’t clear out the energy blockages (stuffed emotional garbage), there is no room available to host the authentic self, the eternal flame within and/or even claim the abundance — that you’ve already created (and it’s just waiting to be claimed.)

Maybe at one time, eons ago, living in harmony with nature was common knowledge for all of us. But not today; we’re living a weird dream full of lies. We suffer from lack of knowledge and disconnection from the truth within. Our surface mind is full of misinformation and limitation.

The Laser Reiki clearing process is simple and the basics are easily learned in this 4-day workshop. You will have plenty of practical exercises doing this on yourself and other members of the class. You will see the differences in class members after each exercise. Your success is guaranteed.

Dogmas, lies and trapped emotions are stuffed in the body tissue. We all have them. This stuck emotional energy blocks the good feelings we are all looking for. Yes, we all want to feel good now!

You can start clearing out these trapped emotions the first day of class. It’s like peeling an onion and it’s an on going process. As each layer is released, you’ll feel clearer and clearer! Lighter and Lighter! You are then able to connect with your higher self and from that quiet part within — you can create the life you desire.

That Life you desire also wants you — even more than you want it!

New LR Workshops are coming …You may have already participated in a LR workshop. If so, you know how freeing it is! Remember how good it felt to clear the blockages?There’s more to come in your next class. Each weekend workshop is a special, unique experience. Remember that if you’ve taken the Laser Reiki Workshops before you may come again for a greatly discounted fee.

Winter/Spring Laser Reiki Workshop Schedule and very special pricing with Advance Registration:

Laser Reiki Series workshop on March 7-10 – Hours: 9 AM – 6 PM

Bring a friend and receive $100 finder’s fee coupon for you and your friend at the next class!Prices slashed for early registration. Reg. price $2495 — Special — Join now and get this training for only $1000. Offer is good during the next 10 days. (Save $1495.)

Traditional Reiki — the 6 hour FREE Reiki 1 class has changed many students’ lives for the better.

April 13, FREE Reiki 1: Regular $150. Special – FREE (Invite your friends!)April 13-14, Reiki Master Certification: Regular $650. Special Only $200
(That’s priceless when compared to what others are charging. Special emphasis on learning to teach and promote Reiki yourself!)Learn more today here.

To register, email today.

Why the New Lowered Prices at the Reiki Ranch? The Universe has been very nice to us. We are constantly being given so much that we want to give back.

Come to the Reiki Ranch and continue learning the clearing process so you, too can be open to receive. Your success is 100% guaranteed. You have zero risk! After the first day of the workshop — If you think you haven’t received what we promise your whole amount will be returned, right there. No questions asked.Please register immediately to lock in your special price.Call to confirm your place: 360-748-4426. Limited space.
Send a risk free deposit or the full amount of the course to:
The Assembly of CEH, 1673 S Market Blvd, #143, Chehalis, WA 98532

God gave us two ends – one to sit on and one to think with. Success  depends on which one you use. Head you win, tail you lose.
~ Author unknown
For more information, detailed descriptions of courses and articles
Go to: Web sites: and www.LaserReiki.comHow to Attract Wealth by Taylore and Roi — A spiral bound study manual of 130 pages. Here you’ll learn how to get The Life Manager (your personal part of the subconscious mind) to work with you on any project you choose. Also tells how Taylore and Roi manifested a $800,000 ranch for the Assembly of CEH with no job or credit history. Learn a simple formula they used and attract what you desire! Price $25 plus $7.90 shipping and handling.PPS: Please send this message to as many people as you know, to help us in our mission to raise the consciousness on the planet and help enlighten as many as possible.

Thoughts lead to feelings. Feelings lead to actions. Actions leads to results.
~ T. Harv Eker, Quotes from Secrets of the Millionaire Mind


Hi Taylore and Roi,

Thank you so much for the healing session you provided before we went on our cruise. It was phenomenally powerful and really assisted in removing the clutter in the air at that time.
I have been on your website and tried to donate, but cannot find a paypal to send it to. Can you let me know what is your PayPal email.
Also, – if it is possible, – I think we will be entering a “phase two” of the attack (static forces are beginning to form again) and I would like a second session to dissipate anything before it really begins. We are much more aware of what to allow into our thoughts now, but I know what you did began a good period for us. Sometimes clarity of thought is all you need.
You both were terrific to help us out so much back then. My wife and I thank you!!  by Frank



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Do we have to die to go to heaven?

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You will start feeling younger and happier. We have been given the key to immortality.
We can be a free as a child and light as a fish in water. (The kid is outside the aquarium.)
On another front — do we have to die to go to heaven? Is death mandatory?
“When death does come, it releases the weight of gravity and temporarily frees the soul from earth. But it does not change the vibration of consciousness from the human level. There is no escape from the vibration of yourself except by practiced change of thoughts and feelings.” __from “The Door Of Everything” by Ruby Nelson….
If you can educate your surface mind while still living in the body… then you do not have to die the body, ever! Can you also  become a Christ — as Jesus said we could?  Can you go through the Door? (like a few others have done!)
We have been programmed to think, “You grow old and die.” By buying into this social consciousness and passing it on to your children you are part of the problem! — The body gets sick or it ages and dies! — This is not the way to become a whole/complete God conscious Being…. You need a blue print to follow! And you have free will to figure this out for yourself.
And *you go through the Door Of Everything* while still alive — not waiting until you die! What makes you think that a person gets any smarter or becomes an angel when they die?
Who told you that death was the way to graduate from here?
The caterpillar does not die; it is transformed into the butterfly. If someone had stepped on the caterpillar, it would have to be born again as a caterpillar to become the butterfly.
Is there also a way to transform the human body into a Grand Cosmic Being? Is this worth reading a small book? … The Door Of Everything costs about $10 on
Earth is your launching point! Not the place to die! Death is not ascension! You do not die the body to become a higher being! (I read in the Life and teachings of the Masters of the Far East by Baird Spalding of a lady who is 400 years old still looking 20 years old, still enjoying teaching and living a good life!)
How good is this? What else is possible?  Use Laser Reiki to change your reality!

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