A friend asked me (Taylore Vance) to do an energy healing for a 60 year old man that had a serious problem in his throat.
“His willingness to get better was only a three out of 10.” (When I tested him with muscle testing on a scale of 1 to 10. ) These numbers make you question the reason an energy healing was requested. It’s evident that the person they want to heal is unwilling to accept the gift.
Energy healing alleviates throat pain
This woman who asked me to heal him was a psychic and then I asked her “what does his higher-self say about healing for him?”
She contacted his higher self and boosted his willingness to be healed up to a 6/10. Then I could work on him! A 60% willingness to be healed is a lot better than only 30% willingness. (When you get above 50% of the willingness to heal, the body will except the healing.)
Otherwise, I’m wasting my time if muscle testing tells me that he is not willing to be healed.
There are people who do not want to be healed because of their mindset. They may think they deserve a disease, they may have a victim mentality, or they are receiving certain benefits from being sick.
I was able to bring up his Life Force frequency up to where his body would heal itself. I cleared many energy blockages that were found in his aura, chakras, and there were lots of emotional issues in the body, mind, and soul. There were also emotional issues bleeding over from past lives that would give him a low energy in his esophagus. He had bad energy from several past lives that still hung on to his present life and adversely affected his body in the chest/neck area.
When the client’s life force frequency is it a low number, such as a 3/10, there is no healing possible because they are too depleted and will not accept this healing energy.
If we raise the client’s life force frequency to an 8/10 then they are able to heal themselves. The body naturally wants to be healed when there is enough Life Force Energy available.
Laser Reiki is a good tool for this work! It can easily release energy blockages from childhood, the present moment, and worry about the future. You can also clear past life trauma because Laser Reiki is six dimensional energy and above and is not limited by time or space. Laser Reiki is very effective for long-distance energy healings.
I heard that our client’s health is improving!