How would you like to increase your energy flow up to at least 2 times what it already is?
- 1. Laser Reiki 6–Weekend! condensed into two action-packed days – all Laser Reiki students welcome.
Preview of Level 6 advanced training course:
- A new meditation will be given followed by the “Moodari” – Attunement that directs the mind/body to send out Laser Reiki healing energy from the eyes.
- How to find Soul Fractures and how to heal them.
- How to bring the Soul Fragments and all the stringlets back home.
- How to heal holes in the Soul.
- Healing the problem of entities which cause aches and pains in your body, Entities attached to your body causes chronic pain and doctors cannot help you.
- Healing ghosts (“Ghostbusting” haunted houses, etc.)
- Learn how to bring desirable attributes, skills, and accomplishments across from other versions of yourself in your own circle of existence (from your future or past lives via the DNA.)
- Finding and healing demons in people.
- Finding and destroying demonic devices in the body.
- Building your own healing pyramid (on the inner) with a variable control panel.
- How to increase your vibrational frequency to a “perfect 10”. As above so below. When you keep your body’s vibrational energy field at a higher vibration for a period of time, then healing will follow. Dis-ease and lack of finances are only a denser, slower aspect of the same energy.
- A new technique called “Hands of God” is used to psychically comb out deep diseased tissue in a client’s body like psychic surgery. This is just part of Level 6.
- And much more… a look at the web site.
A Fun Filled Weekend –
Cosmic Energetic Healing at its best!

Ghost will come to class if they want to receive help in getting out of the 3D. We clear their energy and help them out of the physical reality.
Do You Wonder… what the masters have in store for you?
(How would you like to be even more FREE of blockages?
And as well as… even more FREEDOM from reoccurring negative energy patterns?
…Some of these patterns are buried under layers of bleed-over from past and/or parallel lives.)
How Would You Like to:
- Find an even easier method of quickly releasing those long term/chronic pains! You’ll feel the difference in the body. Imagine what it will be like.
- Be able to flow even more of the Universal Life Force Energy! You see instant results in those you work with… How does that sound?
- Be able to flow a higher frequency of Reiki energy? The Cosmic Energetic Healing Symbol when placed unto your energy field will allow:
- As a healer you can do faster healings… Clients respond immediately.
- Energy healings are easier… You’ll see the difference.
- And! You receive this healing energy first in your body before it flows out to your clients, family, friends, plants, animals and others who you choose to help.
- Be able to heal the root cause of long term emotional problems in a few minutes!
- More practice testing… your progress as you do healing work! It gives you more self-confidence as an Awesome Master Healer!
- Be able to release past life trauma, such as — ancient or recent curses in a few minutes!
- Receive a more thorough energy healing during the 3-days than you ever thought possible.
- End Depression, Stress, Anxiety Sadness, Regret, shame, Anger, etc. in the internal organs and systems!
- Find Happiness and even more Reasons for Living (The new symbol gives you a more direct connection to Source Energy!) As you clear and receive multi-multi-multi-healings you are making room for even more joy to fill your body! You’ll know it’s true! And… You’ll feel it!
- Bring Even More Abundance and Prosperity into your Life! (Success Stories in our files.)
Imagine how it will feel to:
- Have a total 3-day immersion with a team of Laser Reiki Masters dedicated to learning new tools and healing each other under the loving care and guidance of the founders of LR and CEH and advanced students. Just being on this beautiful property is a healing experience. Your healing will be assisted by ascended healing masters, etheric Reiki Master, angels & arch angels.
- You will have the necessary tools here that is needed to help you release many, many energy blockages and reoccurring patterns of negative energy from your organs, tissues and cells.
- Be checked for implants (Physical, astral or others) that have been limiting your abilities. Learn how to easily remove them. Feel the difference…
- Feel even more freedom after these self-destructive implants and memory-blockers have been taken care of.
- Flow more energy up and down your spine after the Kundalini implants have been taken care of. Now be able to raise your Kundalini energy flow without it being leaked off.
- Have hitchhikers taken off your physical body. Feel the freedom to be yourself for the first time in years or maybe this lifetime! (Spirit told me that there was someone coming to the weekend with 12 hitchhikers attached.)
- Find out if you have a very favorable implant placed there by the “Shinning Ones”.
- Find out if you have a beneficial Kryon Implant to help you move into the higher dimensions with the earth changes. And how to get one if you don’t already have it.
- Have the Death hormone re-programmed to extend the life of the body way beyond its present programming.
- Remove the controlling SPIDER Implant and be able to have vivid dreams in vivid colors.
There are many ways to get your training even more reasonable… Save $$$ Here!
- Use your $ coupon to bring the price down to only $299 (If you don’t have one — ask us how to get one?)
- Suggest a LR 1-4 workshop to people you know and earn a $100 voucher for each one who attends.
- Work/study at the school grounds– $10 credit per hour worked. Bring a friend to help you work your hours on the grounds. There are cutting and stacking wood, typing and filing, gardening and composting, making chips for mulching, etc. The students can receive a tax donation receipt.
- Your training can be FREE or almost free. You decide! You’ll help the school advertise by word of mouth. Instead of the school paying others — You’ll be receiving those advertising dollars in the form of credits. And you’ll be helping others receive wonderful benefits of energy healings. And you benefit twice! God wants Reiki to help others everywhere! And God wants you to prosper, heal and help others.
- Limited spaces available at these prices. As soon as we’re on a popular Talk Show there will be hundreds of people waking up and wanting to pay the full cost of the workshops. They’ll feel Lucky to get a space… And really glad they found this school.
This is a 3-day CEH (Level 5) course and is available only to existing Laser Reiki Masters. This means you must have completed our Introductory Laser Reiki Level 1- 4. If you are already a Reiki Master from a more traditional line (Usui, Unlimited Reiki levels 1-3, etc.) then you will need to complete the School’s LR Level 1-4 BEFORE you can take advanced LR level 5 (Called — Cosmic Energetic Healing and receive the NEW SYMBOL!)
Already a student of LR/CEH levels 1-5? If you would just like to review, practice and receive the multi-multi-multi healings… you pay only $100 to retake the workshop. Or you may take advantage of the many ways to save money above and come FREE or almost FREE! (See how to save money above.)
Curriculum: Cosmic Energetic Healing Level 5, 3-Days +
Class #1 Friday Morning from 9 AM – 6 PM, Lecture, Meditation to release deeper levels of past life karma, meeting with your spirit guides/Reiki Masters, Attunement to Level 5 – Basic Cosmic Energetic Healing Degree and powerful symbol, Water Ritual, Beginning of Basic Cosmic Energetic Healing training exercises. Start healing the organs using the CEH higher frequency and perform deeper healings.
Class #2 Evening 7 – 9 PM. You will practice much higher levels of Muscle Testing thereby receiving even deeper answers from the Subconscious Mind. You are learning to refine the communication with the Subconscious Mind. We will use the new expanded LR & CEH charts to find, to release and to energize all kinds of hidden energy blocks not taught in Levels 1-4. We will clear and un-install emotional implants, nasty tricks, Kundalini shunts and other devices. Learn how to re-wire the mind to improve its ability to heal. You’ll feel the difference and freedom to expand your energy field.
Class #3. SAT. 9 AM – 9 PM. Review, Lecture, Meditation, Expansion of Laser Reiki/Cosmic Energetic Healing training for sending Remote Healings, ditto healings and healing large groups. You will learn to find the multiple causes of major dis-eases. Please ask permission to heal another person (s) for this class exercise. Set the time to receive the healing for 4 AM Monday morning (one day after the class) in the correct time zone.
Evening cookout and… FREE Bonfire Prosperity Ceremony (Valued at $125)
Many have reported major results from participating in this ceremony.
Class #4 Sunday 9 AM. Review, Lecture, study the training manual, fine tuning and expansion of the exercises for direct & remote healing of relationships, family members and job related conflicts. You will learn how to heal tiny parts of the body using pictures. Learn to regenerate and rejuvenate body tissue at the atomic levels. Continue Individual Group Healings – Removal of energy blockages from all levels of consciousness & re-energize with positive affirmations in a LR/CEH Matrix for instant change.
Class #5. 2 – 5 PM. Learn to remove entities and hitchhikers. Finish the Group Individual Healings of all participants in class. Learn how to heal and be healed using definite aspects that communicate with the Subconscious Mind. You receive multiple, multiple, multiple healings every day. You will practice on yourself and others. You will also have a chance to practice on real clients. A method to counter the “Death Hormone” as mentioned in the Kryon books which is a cause of aging. Reprogramming / reconnecting of the DNA codons. Reprogram the DNA to slow or stop aging. There is very little fluff in these workshops. You will either be using the techniques on yourself or others most of the time.
YE is dedicated student of Laser Reiki. She had three incurable dis-eases according to the medical tests and Ph.D. authorities. She was even slated for a liver transplant because of Hepatitis C. She was already a Reiki Master when LASER REIKI caught her eye. After attending the Basic Laser Reiki & CEH in Portland, she was on her way to getting rid of the root cause of extreme pain and depression. She moved near the No. 1 Healing School so she could do the work/trade program. Being unemployed because of the depression, pain and lack of energy accompanying Fibromyalgia, arthritis and Hepatitis C she was a good candidate for SSI, but the government rejected her claim. YE has had to pull herself up from the depth of dis-ease, despair and lack of money using simple energy techniques over and over. Her liver was recently tested by the hospital and it was found that she no longer needed a liver transplant! Great work! Who says that the liver cannot rejuvenate? YE is also initiating others into Reiki I, II, & III plus healing many clients herself. She is able to work part time again and is now living in Butte, Montana. (Yolanda Eldora Tel. 406-782-1621)
Call Taylore or Roi at Tel. 360-748-4426 to continue your training. Reserve your space today!
The Assembly of CEH
1673 S. Market Blvd. #143
Chehalis, WA 98532 (mailing Only)
PS: We’re looking for some people to heal. They should have noticeable pain or discomfort, so they and the LR/CEH students can easily see the healing job that’s been done. Call Roi to schedule either Sat. 4 PM or Sunday 11AM-12 noon.
Updated DNA additional information. Added Sunday, July 31, 2016
- You can have your DNA updated and reprogrammed it to install the new freedom (energetic changes) directly into all the cells of the body to complete your mission on Earth in great style and fun.
- You will be shown how to Link up strands of DNA in class and connect the codons to feel more complete and happy living in the body during these times. It helps your body vehicle grow and expand to better facilitate the great spirit that you are…
- You will be shown how to unzip the DNA to make these changes and how to zip it up again.
There is a lot of chaotic information going around for instance:
“There is a reptilian brain program that is firing chaos into the reptilian part of our genetics and DNA. This is the last throes – their final acts before they leave the planet. The Dark Army is trying to cause even more chaotic thinking and behavior. It may be the cause of so much infighting between people and races and even those individuals “throwing babies into the dumpsters” that we’ve heard about lately. You will be shown how to put a Protective Shield around your body to stop the reptilians from firing chaotic thoughts into your reptilian brain stem.(Exercise of pulling Source energy up from the Earth and circulating it all around you.)
Have of you have felt:
- I’m not in the right job
- I’m unhappy
- My family is in a mess
- Things are just not working out
- There’s too much chaos
- I’m overwhelmed with things
The DNA is a little living force within our body and it breathes in and out. It listens to our thoughts, desires, opinions and then it updates itself.
As we live our lives we are in contact with the not-so-good situations going on
- In our government and the politics
- In the education and lack of protection of our children
- In our world with living in a diseased society taking so many pills, shots and unnecessary surgeries.
- With the mind programming put out over the air and also through the media
- With the pollution, poisons and undesirable things added in the air, water, foods, etc.
Amazingly our DNA can change to survive all of this!
We have formed opinions about what’s going on in this world, made decisions, and judgments that cause us to have feelings about what we see and what we hear. Next, the DNA/codons can morph into different patterns to cope with these feelings and conditions.
I imagine that when a person’s thoughts and feelings get so low, they might be the cause of their own problems and eventual demise.
As our galaxy moves deeper into the photon belt everyone’s DNA is changing to support the physical body according to that new frequency and also to the intent that we place upon our life directions. Some Gurus and philosophers are saying that this is the beginning of the Golden Age.
It is said that we are moving into a crystalline nature.
What does that mean? (discussion…)
How can our bodies move into another type of structure?
Are we not carbon-based human beings?
Our DNA looks like a Jacob’s ladder and there are many images on the Internet reflecting that structure – so you can get a good look at it.
I was recently told that we could zip it up, make changes and also unzip it.
When we are in a condition called “overwhelmed” a DNA default program starts up. When a person starts to feel that there is a dangerous threat it may be because an old DNA default program that is running.
We need to clear out those old programs from our DNA with our tools as taught in the basic Laser Reiki level 1-4 course. You, the students, have the tools now. Go to the textbook and do those clearings first ….
After clearing out the bugs and glitches in the old DNA programming we need to check to see if the Restart program is up to date.
Check my DMA restart program and see if everything is in order for my highest good
- Is there some attribute you want to add?
- Are there outdated default programs running about?
- About Money?
- About Health?
- About Love
- About Faith
- Are there any programs present that are not serving my highest purpose?
- Delete out dated programs about
- Money?
- Health?
- Love
- Faith
- Update those programs
- Delete out dated programs about
- Look at the panel to the right side to see if everything is updated
- Check for bugs (seen or unseen) and
- Be sure that there is nothing that interferes with total health, well-being and ascension before the Restart
- Restart!
Key words: CEH Reiki Training, DNA and codons, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Hooking up more codons, Laser Reiki Level 5 -DNA, the Indigo Children, Chinese psychic kids, AIDS babies dna link! Kryon DNA
Found this in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book: The ancient secret of the flower of life Volume 1. Page 78 update. It seems that there are new children coming in that have some type of non human DNA. This type of DNA in some of these children can fight the aids virus and many illnesses such as cancer etc. Excerpt from the book: Doctors at UCLA began about 5 years ago examining a young boy who had been born with aids. After five years the virus in the boy was gone. Read On!
We have 64 codons in our DNA, but in normal humans only 20 of these codons are turned on. The rest of these cordons are inert or not working except for the three which are stop and start programs. A young boy had 24 cordons turned on- he found a way to mutate that made him immune to aids. In fact when they were testing him they found he was immune to everything. His immune system was 3000 times stronger than a normal humans. Now it seems there are many children just like him. UCLA now believes that 1% of this world has made this change. They now believe that est. 55 million children and adults are no longer human, by DNA definition alone. Is a new human race being born?
Here’s the interview: Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek By Diane Cooper
Diane: So Drunvalo… who are these “Children of the New Dream” that You are so excited about?
Drunvalo: Well there are 3 different kinds of children emerging in The world today that I have been able to identify. The first are called the “Super Psychic Children of China.” The second are called the “Indigo Children” and the third are called the “Children of AIDS.”
The first one, the “Super Psychics of China,” we talked about in the Flower of Life seminars. If you remember, the first one was discovered in 1984 when a child was found who was psychic beyond belief. Researchers conducted every psychic test you could imagine and he was 100% correct every time. You could turn cards over in another room and that didn’t matter. He could perfectly know what was on the card. So Omni magazine went to China and wrote an article on this discovery. They found one child and then another.
When they went in 1984 they assumed it was a hoax so they did experiments like putting 100 kids in a room and taking a book and randomly pulling out a page. They would crumple it up and stick it under their arm. These kids could read every word on the page. They did test after test, and the response was flawless. The phenomena didn’t stop there. These kids are not just in China. They have spread all over the world. I personally have been talking to parents who ask me, “.. what do we do.. I have a kid who knows everything?” I believe Lee Carroll is calling the children being born here in the U. S. “the Indigo Children.” I personally think the two groups are coming from the same source, however, I don’t know that for sure.
There appears to be two separate groups, incredibly psychic and amazing. It is the third group that I am most interested in – the “Children of AIDS.” About 10 or 11 years ago in the US, there was a baby born with AIDS. They tested him at birth and at 6 months and he tested positive for AIDS. They tested him a year later and he still tested positive. Then they didn’t test him again until he was 6, and what was amazing is that this test showed that he was completely AIDS free! In fact, there was no trace that he ever had AIDS or HIV whatsoever! He was taken to UCLA to see what was going on and those tests showed that he didn’t have normal human DNA. In the human DNA we have 4 nucleic acids that combine in sets of 3 producing 64 different patterns that are called codons.
Human DNA all over the world always has 20 of these codons turned on and the rest of them are turned off, except for 3 which are the stop and start codes, much like a computer. Science always assumed that the ones that were turned off were old programs from our past. I’ve always seen them like application programs in a computer. Anyway… this boy had 24 codons turned on – 4 more than any other human being. Then they tested this kid to see how strong his immune system was.
They took a very lethal dose of AIDS in a petri dish and mixed it with some of his cells and his cells remained completely unaffected. They kept raising the lethalness of the composition and finally went up to 3,000 times more than what was necessary to infect a human being and his cells stayed completely disease free. Then they started testing his blood with other things like cancer and discovered that this kid was immune to everything!
Then they found another kid with these codons turned on – then another one then another one – then 10,000, then 100,000, then a million of them and at this point, UCLA, by watching world-wide DNA testing, estimates that 1% of the world has this new DNA. That breaks down to approximately 60 million people who are not human by the old criteria.
November 14, 2011
from PreventDisease Website
There is a level of activity currently underway on the sun that has never been witnessed before.
An enormous wall of plasma whose collapse could soon trigger one of the largest full halo coronal mass ejections ever recorded. One filament of magnetism alone has been estimated at more than a million kilometers across the face of the sun. This may consequently add to the bombardment of energy waves we have recently been receiving from the sun.
Moreover, it would accelerate changes within the cellular structure of humans that are progressing to fourth level density at a phenomenal rate.
Towering over the sun’s southeastern horizon as captured above by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, are walls of plasma and filaments of magnetism. You can clearly see a dark filament of magnetism that is snaking more than halfway around the entire sun.
From end to end, it stretches more than a million km or about three times the distance between Earth and the Moon.
If the filament becomes unstable, as solar filaments are prone to do, it could collapse and hit the stellar surface below, triggering a Hyder flare.
“Filaments are formed in magnetic loops that hold relatively cool, dense gas suspended above the surface of the Sun,” explains David Hathaway, a solar physicist at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center.
“Filaments collapse when the magnetic field in their vicinity becomes unstable. This could happen, for example, if new magnetic field lines begin to poke through the Sun’s surface beneath the filament.”
On October 9, 2000, magnetic fields around a sunspot group (9182) suddenly changed their shape, leading to the explosive collapse of a nearby magnetic filament suspended high above the Sun’s surface.
The collapse triggered a C7-class solar flare and a full halo coronal mass ejection that struck Earth’s magnetosphere 3 days later.
“If the magnetic filament currently being observed by NASA becomes unstable and collapses, we could be looking at an explosion that would dwarf that of sunspot group 9182 back in 2000,” said solar scientist and professor Marshall Daniels. “This would most certainly be an X class flare or one the most powerful of its kind.”
Active region sunspot 1339 already let go an X class solar flare on November 3, 2011. NASA researchers had announced that the next solar maximum would be the strongest since the historic maximum in 1859.
As we approach the solar maximum in 2012, the next 12 to 24 months we’ll see a historic and possibly record breaking bombardment of energy waves hitting planet earth.
Changing into a crystalline entity — What Will It Mean For Humanity?
With the sun assistance, there are major changes and mutations underway that have never occurred according to geneticists.
Several years ago in Mexico City there was a convention of geneticists from around the world, and the main topic was the DNA change. We are making an evolutionary change, are we now starting to gather more information on what we are changing into.
The changes are not known publicly, because the scientific community feels it would frighten the population. However, people are changing at the cellular level. Most people know and feel this. Many religions have talked about the change and know it will come about in different ways.
We know it is a positive mutation even though physically, mentally, and emotionally it can be misunderstood and frightening.
We are being changed physically from carbon-based beings with 2 strands of DNA into crystalline beings with 1,024 strands of DNA (eventually), because only crystalline substances can exist on higher dimensional levels.
It is not just we humans who are changing, but all life forms on Earth are becoming crystalline.
All the fish in the sea, the flowers, and trees in your garden, the birds in the sky, even your pet dog or cat. Everything is changing. Nothing will die or be destroyed, for we are all moving together into A NEW STATE OF BEING.
This new state of being requires therefore that we physically, mentally and emotionally let go of 3rd-dimensional concepts.
Just as in death, the letting go is a major part of the change process, for one cannot take the old values and way of being into a new completely different afterlife. So the progression through changes compels us to let go of current relationships, jobs, careers, homes, possessions, and so on if they are unable to support our new way of being.
The most important thing to realize is that the transformation, the transition from 3D to 4D, from being a 3D person to being a 4D person… will be a smooth, ‘seamless’, painless, process.
This experience will be a simple transformation of cellular structure, from the slower, more dense, heavier, existing 3D vibratory rate body we have today – to a higher, faster, lighter, 4D vibratory rate. We will have bodies that are taller, literally lighter in terms of mass, weight and density… about one tenth (1/10) of what we weigh now.
Keep in mind, our body’s molecular cellular structure will actually change. Think crystal based molecules.
Our existing 3D cell walls will transmute into being crystalline based. Our 4D body, the cellular structure of your 4D body, will be based on crystalline molecules. No longer carbon based, but crystal based. Within the core, the center of each cell will be infused with light. Our 4D bodies will be very translucent.
This is a natural 4th dimensional, 4th density state.
Everyone will be relatively tall & slim in stature. This is simply the nature of having a body composed of crystalline cellular structure. You will also be ‘lighter’ in terms of… being infused with light. Not opaque like you are today, not completely translucent, but very translucent.
Children will transform as well.
But in terms of age appearance, they will continue to develop as young children, into young adults, only now along the adjusted, normal, ‘time line’ of thousands of years for 4th dimensional people.
For most adults who choose to remain on Earth during this time of change, we will look approximately in the 32-35-year-old age range.
In terms of height, for a comparison, an average 3D male today at 5′ 10″… the equivalent 4th-dimensional male will be about 7ft tall, this is the average height for a 4D man. A 5′ 5″ – 5′ 6″ 3D Earth woman will likely be about 6′ 2″ living a 4D life.
An average 4D Earth man will weigh in Earth terms about 10-15 pounds. An average 4D Earth woman will weigh about: 5-7 pounds. Everyone will be relatively trim, tall, slim in stature. Again, this is simply due to the nature of having a body composed of a crystalline cellular structure.
In terms of overall health, 4D Earth humans will be healthy, very healthy, full of light. With our solar system and Earth’s migration into the 4th-dimensional zone of space, 3D diseases will all be literally eradicated.
The way we currently measure time on Earth – this will change once Earth becomes a completely 4D planet. Watching, measuring, experiencing time… this will virtually go away.
LR Level 5 – LR 5-Clearing Kundalini shunts, hitchhikers, SPIDER Implant, Death hormone —
Imagine how it will feel to:
- Have a total 3-day immersion with a team of Laser Reiki Masters dedicated to clearing blockages, learning new tools and healing each other under the loving care and guidance of the founders of LR and CEH plus the advanced students
- Just being on this beautiful property is a healing experience. Your healing will be assisted by ascended healing masters, etheric Reiki Master, angels & arch angels.
- This is the cover of the manual below:
- You already have the necessary tools (from Laser Reiki 1-4) that is needed to help you release many, many unseen energy blockages and reoccurring patterns of negative energy from your organs, tissues and cells.
- Be checked for implants (Physical, astral or others) that have been limiting your abilities.
- Learn how to easily remove them.
- Feel the difference…
- Feel even more freedom after these self-destructive implants and memory-blockers have been taken care of.
- Flow more energy up and down your spine after the Kundalini implants have been taken care of. Now be able to raise your Kundalini energy flow without it being leaked off.
- Have hitchhikers and House sitters taken off your physical body. Feel the expansion to be yourself for the first time in years or maybe this lifetime! (Spirit told me that there was someone coming to the weekend with 12 hitchhikers attached.)
- Find out if you have a very favorable implant placed there by the “Shinning Ones”.
- Find out if you have a beneficial Kryon Implant to help you move into the higher dimensions with the earth changes. And how to get one if you don’t already have it.
- Have the Death hormone re-programmed to extend the life of the body way beyond its present programming.
- Remove the controlling SPIDER Implant and be able to have vivid dreams in vivid colors.
Yolanda is dedicated student of Laser Reiki since 2000. She had three incurable dis-eases according to the medical tests and Ph.D. authorities. She was even slated for a liver transplant because of Hepatitis C. She was on the Liver Transplant list for years with no donor available.
She was already a Reiki Master when LASER REIKI caught her eye. After attending the Basic Laser Reiki & CEH in Portland, she was on her way to finding and getting rid of the root cause of extreme pain and depression.
She moved near the No. 1 Healing School so she could do the work/trade program. Being unemployed because of the depression, pain and lack of energy accompanying Fibromyalgia, arthritis and Hepatitis C she was a good candidate for Government assistant program SSI, but the government rejected her claim. Yolanda had to pull herself up from the depth of dis-ease, despair and lack of money using simple energy techniques over and over.
Her liver was recently tested by the hospital and it was found that she no longer needed a liver transplant! Great work!
Who says that the liver cannot rejuvenate? Yolanda is also initiating others into Reiki I, II, & III plus healing many clients herself. She is able to work part time again. She lived at the Reiki Ranch for a year, then moved to Butte, Montana for near 12 years with short trips back to the Reiki Ranch. Yolanda is now living in Chehalis/Centralia, WA. (Yolanda Eldora Tel. 406-782-1621)