How to make your life easier with 6thD healings
by tvance | August 8, 2023 12:23 pm
Why take Laser Reiki 6?
The Laser Reiki Level 6 advanced training course will cover this (and more):
A new meditation will be given, followed by the “Moodari” – Attunement that directs the mind/body to send out Laser Reiki energy from the eyes.
- How to find Soul Fractures and how to heal them.
- How to bring the Soul Fragments and all the stringlets back home.
- How to mend holes in the Soul.
- Healing entities which cause aches and pains in your body
- Healing ghosts (Ghost busting haunted houses)
- Learn how to bring desirable traits across from other versions of yourself in your own circle of existence (from your future or past lives.)
- Finding and healing demons. Finding and destroying demonic devices in the body.
- Building your own healing pyramid (on the inner) with a variable control panel.
- How to increase your vibrational frequency to a “perfect 10”.
- As above, so below. When you keep your body’s vibrational energy field at a higher vibration for a period of time, then healing will follow.
- Dis-ease and lack of finances are only a denser, slower aspect of the same energy.
- A new technique called “Hands of God” is used to psychically comb out deep diseased tissue in a client’s body, like psychic surgery.
- This is just part of Level 6.
This is just part of Level 6.
And much more..
Why take Laser Reiki Level 7? Who is interested?
The advanced training Level 7 course will cover:
An attunement to better connect you to the Earth and Source energy.
A fantastic student from one of the first classes, Sedra from Oklahoma, received channeled information from the Coalition whereby persons can have a specific symbol placed on their heads, hands, knees, and feet. This attunement permits the body to become a cylinder of Light between Earth and Universal Source energy. With all the new and higher energy being beamed into the Earth, you need the best connection to help Earth, and others make the transition into the 4th & 5th dimensions.
Using Hologram technology to do organ etheric transplants. This is vital work.
- Alex Collier wrote about his alien friends having a machine that would take a picture and then turn the clock back ten years for an individual. We all can do that, plus much more…..
- A new and even more straightforward method to use the charts.
- It can cause very fast healings…… (Don’t let your clients see you do this! They won’t believe it!)
- Receive A healing on yourself and any remote healings you’d like to make using these new methods.
- You need to be even clearer about energy blockages to flow the incredible amounts of enlightenment needed to birth our bodies and our (happier) version of Earth into the 4th & 5th dimensions.
- You have to request this training, if you have taken all the LR workshops before this
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